Contact Us
San Mateo Sheriff's Office
330 Bradford Street (View Map)
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 363-4911
After Hours Non-emergency
(650) 363-4911
Civil Related Property Sale
(650) 363-4497
Alternative Sentencing Bureau /
Sheriff's Work Program (SWP)
(650) 599-3030
Accounting / Fiscal Services
(650) 599-1311
(650) 599-7385
Anonymous Tip Line
(800) 547-2700
Citizen Complaints/Commendations
(650) 363-4692
Civil Enforcement Unit
(Evictions, levies, warrants, etc.)
(650) 363-4497
(650) 363-4833
Community Engagement Unit
(650) 257-3403
Corrections -
Program Services Bureau
(650) 599-3017
Countywide Security
(650) 363-4417
Coyote Point Range
(650) 573-2340
Detective Bureau / Investigations
(650) 599-1536
Electronic Monitoring Program
1300 Maple Street (View Map)
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 599-3030
Fingerprinting / Live Scan Information
and Appointments
(650) 599-1570
Forensic Laboratory
(650) 312-5306
Half Moon Bay Substation
537 Kelly Avenue (View Map)
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
(650) 726-8288
Maguire Correctional Facility
300 Bradford Street (View Map)
Redwood City, CA. 94063
(650) 599-3000
Maple Street Correctional Facility
1300 Maple Street (View Map)
Redwood City, CA. 94063
(650) 599-3000
Millbrae Police Bureau
581 Magnolia Avenue (View Map)
Millbrae, CA 94030
(650) 259-2300
Moss Beach Substation
500 California Avenue (View Map)
Moss Beach, CA 94038
(650) 573-2801
Northern California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (NC HIDTA)
Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC)
P.O. Box 36102
San Francisco, CA 94102
1-866-FOR-TTIP (1-866-367-8847)
North Fair Oaks Substation
3121 Middlefield Road (View Map)
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 599-9186
Office of the Sheriff
(650) 599-1664
Patrol Bureau
(650) 363-4763
Professional Standards Bureau
(650) 363-4395
Public Information Officer (P.I.O.)
Property / Evidence
(650) 599-1570
Records Bureau
(650) 363-4525
San Carlos Police Bureau
600 Elm Street (View Map)
San Carlos, CA 94070
(650) 802-4277
School Resources Unit
(650) 257-3403
Sheriff's Activities League
(650) 257-3404
Sheriff's Work Program
1300 Maple Street (View Map)
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 599-3030
(650) 599-3030 (Supervisor)
Technology Services Unit (IT)
(650) 599-1001
Training Unit
(650) 573-2520
Transit Police Bureau
(650) 622-8049
Transportation / Court Security
(650) 363-4544
Work Furlough Program
1300 Maple Street (View Map)
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 599-3030